Heinz Beck Signature

Heinz Beck is one of the best and best known chefs in the world. In his 3-star restaurant "La Pergola" in Rome, there is of course also our GINSTR - Stuttgart Dry Gin.

We would like to share his recipe for the perfect drink with you at home: the Heinz Beck Signature!

Heinz Beck Signature

You need:

40ml GINSTR - Stuttgart Dry Gin
60ml fresh pomegranate juice
1 shot Tonic Water

Put some pushed ice into a cocktail glass, GINSTR lightly mix and freshly squeezed pomegranate juice in the glass and pour in a dash of Indian Tonic Water. A fruity and herb drink is ready, which refreshes perfectly.

Cheers and thanks to Heinz Beck to Rome for the support! ❤

Alexander Franke with Heinz Beck